Friday, May 7, 2010

How Should a Christian Live? Word of Promise Next Generation Devotional

How Should a Christian Live? Word of Promise Next Generation Devotional

This book was provided to me free of charge by the BOOKsneeze program. I found that this book would be great for young teenagers for several reasons. The first thing that was great was the cover. It is colorful and eye catching, which in this day and age is important to get the attention of young people. The second is that the readings are broken into easy to read and apply topics with sub headings of get it, grab it, hold it, give it, define it, live it. This helps to make sense of what they are reading and apply it to their life and share what they have learned with others. The next is the cd. This has some of today’s more well know people. These are people that they might be more inclined to look up to and follow by example. One thing that I did find about this book is that there is quite a bit of journal pages to write on. I think that this is a bit excessive but depending on who you are it could be a plus if you like to write a lot. Over all I would recommend this book as great for teens and pre teens.

Plan B What Do You Do When God Doesn’t Show Up the Way You Thought He Would?

Plan B What Do You Do When God Doesn’t Show Up the Way You Thought He Would?
By Pete Wilson

I am very glad to say that I was fortunate enough to receive a copy of this book free of charge from the BOOKsneeze program .
This book was full of wonderful stories of people who have encountered situations in their lives that they thought God should have responded or helped in a certain way but did not. In fact Gods answers come the exact way he means them to. This may or may not be apparent right away but eventually it will reveal itself to you. This book deals with the stories of these peoples Plan B with respect on how to deal with these situations.
I found this book to be an easy read and I easily identified with one or more of the situations. I would highly recommend this book to anyone really because you are sure to relate in one way or another. This book could personally help you through a tough situation in your life and help you to see things in a different light.